What more is there to say about 2020? (and it isn't even half over..!)

You've been Zoom-ing and FaceTime-ing over the past three months; maybe you've even started seeing some students back in your studio again. But who knows what's around the corner???

You need resources that work whether you are teaching online or back in the business of face-to-face teaching.

Short pieces, joyous pieces, pieces that give students space to grow and create, to express themselves, and to shine.

You want . . . 
Elissa's Emergency Bundles™

You need . . .

Pirate-themed brilliance
from Kiwi teacher and composer, Anita Milne
Shiver Me Timbers has been
a favourite in Australia
for over a decade.

Perfect for
elementary to 
early-intermediate level students.


What's in THIS bundle?

Shiver Me Timbers Variations:

Shiver Me Timbers Sections
"New Treasures"
(composed especially for this emergency bundle)


NOW with a special 
Pirate Layout and Design

making use of the
Full Keyboard

Exploring Clusters, Chords,
and Open Fifths

Developing Dexterity
with a range of
"Finger-Twister" Challenges!

(for left hand as well as right!).

Create your own Story
(Teachers & Students are free to 
Choose Dynamic Levels!)

Create Your Own Performance Score 
(by combining sections
however you please!)

to make your life easy

Your bundle includes access
to each individual section
as an individual PDF 
 so you can send each student
exactly what they need,
when they need it.

  • loveyourlessons

    “I'm desperate for music and teaching resources that I can use in my online piano lessons TODAY!”

  • loveyourlessons

    “Shut up and take my money”

  • loveyourlessons

    “Your students will LOVE these pieces!”

  • loveyourlessons

    “Grab your treasure before it's gone!”

    Generic Pirate



Studio Licence


1 brilliant recital piece
easily modified
for any performance context

8 individual Shiver Me Timbers sections
teaching technique
in a most pirate-y way

1 suggested performance score
unlimited copies ~ forever

Anita Milne

began composing after four decades of experience as a music educator/piano teacher, and performer. Her piece "Forty-Fourth Street" was the centrepiece of the first Emergency Bundle (launched April, 2020), while  "Shiver Me Timbers", "Who's There?", and "Walkabout" are Australian piano teaching favourites.

This is the first time that "Shiver Me Timbers" is available to teachers outside of the southern hemisphere.

Anita is a Kiwi (she's from Christchurch) but has called Australia home since the mid-1980s. She's also Elissa and Suzanne's mum.

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Elissa Milne

is the composer of the Little Peppers and Pepperbox Jazz series, author of the Getting to and P Plate Piano series, founder of the grass-roots 40 Piece Challenge movement, creator of the Chord Challenge, a speaker, writer, singer-songwriter, occasional blogger, and piano teacher.

Elissa is Australian (she was born in Sydney), but she feels like she's at least half Kiwi, since New Zealand is where she grew up.

Shiver Me Timbers 
is a sequence of energetic

(and entertaining!)
8-bar variations,
exploring a variety of
chord shapes
and five-finger dexterity challenges.

Learn/teach the sections in any order you like.

Combine sections to make your own unique performance piece.